What We Do
Competition Models
Architectural Competitions are a great way to output design excellence for the cities of our future. Typically, in these environments teams of architects compete in front of a selection jury for the best possible scheme for a given site. While ultimately, the final decision will be the result of many design factors, in these early stages ideas are still conceptual. Architectural models have a powerful ability to capture the essence of an idea, spirit of design and tectonic language to sway the communication of a design. A model has the potential to really stand out in a presentation as something noteworthy, memorable you can touch, look at and engage with. Our clients have informed us that our models convey an elegance, craftsmanship and attention to detail that is often a crucial aspect of a successful bid. Past winning projects include but aren’t limited to, Green Square Aquatic Centre, Parramatta Aquatic Centre, 505 George St, Botanic gardens, Ian Potter Conservatory and many more.
Download a Competition Model info pack to take to your next meeting here
Download our export guide here
Candalepus Associates and NGV 1:500, 2022
Spresser and Peter Besley 1:200, 2022
Chrofi 1:200, 2014
1:500, ??
Chrofi 1:200, ???
CO-AP 1:200, 2021
Chrofi 1:500, 2018
SHOP architects + BVN 1:500, 2019
Grimshaw 1:200, 2018
Andrew Burges 1:500, 2014
Smart Design Studio 1:500, 2018
Tzannes 1:500, 2022
Chrofi 1:500, 2018
Andrew Burges + Grimshaw 1:500, 2018
Grimshaw 1:500, 2014
Crone 1:500, 2018
Barangaroo Park 1:500, 2023
UP 1:50, 2016
JPW 1:500, 2022
Grimshaw 1:500, 2017
Smart Design Studio 1:500, 2019
I’m on a tight deadline. How quickly can you make a competition model?
As our team is entirely composed of ex-architects we know the stress of architectural competitions. It can be an all-hands on deck experience with lots of last minute design changes and a rush to get all deliverables out on time. While there is no hard and fast answer to this question, given our experience, we can assert that we are comfortable and pride ourselves on thriving in this environment. We provide honest feedback on what is and isn’t feasible within given constraints but can always produce a high quality model for presentation day.
Our design isn’t resolved, can you still make a start?
We can work together to stage a model that can effectively commence elements that are ready to go and hold off on others that are still in development. A successful competition model delivery involves a team collaboration. In this sense we ensure we can stick to our internal targets and deadlines and as long as we both do, we are confident that a staged approach can lead to success.
Are there certain materials that take longer than others?
Yes. We find that certain elements take longer to produce than others.Casting, resin printing, metal casting, and metal folding can take longer due to the sourcing, testing and shelf life that occurs with those materials. However we have used all of those materials in competitions previously. With enough time anything is possible and with limited time, we can still achieve a great outcome together.
How do you work with competition budgets?
We understand firms typically have a budget dedicated towards a competition bid. As such we can happily adhere to lower and upper limits with the competition team and be very transparent where we notice that certain decisions may pivot or swing the costs of the model.